Command Line

Under construction

[TS has not ported the command line interface from the Ruby version of Tioga. It is not clear if the same sort of interface is desired for PyTioga, but for now, the following method is recommended.]

To actually generate a PDF file, use 't.make_pdf()' method of the FigureMaker class. To "", add the following line

    from pytioga import FigureMaker
    from pytioga.color_constants import *

    def blue(t):
        t.fill_color = Blue

    def red(t):
        t.fill_color = Red

    t = FigureMaker()

    t.def_figure('Blue', blue)
    t.def_figure('Red', red)

    t.save_dir = 'figures_out'

>>  t.make_pdf('Blue')
and run the "" from the shell:
  $ python

This will generate a PDF file named "Blue.pdf" under the subdirectory "figures_out". Use your favorite PDF viewr to see the newly created file.

Okay, enough goofing around from the command line. Time to start digging into the details of using Python to define figures and plots in PyTioga — next stop, Using Python.